
Volunteer meeting in Gothenburg

11/8/2014 5:05:51 PM -

The World Floorball Championships is fast approaching. Close to 150 volunteers met today and they play an important part in creating this year’s biggest sports event in Gothenburg.

The large conference room at Scandic Crown in Gothenburg was filled to the last seat. On stage were Magnus Nilsson, general of WFC2014, and Ulf Widell, the local manager, talking

– It is with your help that we will make this a festival out of the ordinary and it is with your help we will make sure that the audience, tourists, players, coaches and everyone else involved in this event are a part of something they will never forget. 

After an hour and a half of information about the organisation around the World Floorball Championship, ticket sales, advertisement, safety, the activity area Fun Zone and other useful things the volunteers were all treated to a tasty lunch.

After lunch, smaller groups talked about what their particular job will be at the event. The Championship festival – which could not happen without hundreds of volunteers – is approaching.   


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